This module focuses on Transmission tariffs for the inter-state transmission system (ISTS) determined by CERC and for various intra-state transmission systems (InSTS) at the State level determined by respective SERCs. These include Long-term and Short-term Open Access Charges.
Tariff Orders
The State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) and Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) determine tariffs for various transmission projects constructed under Section 62 of Electricity Act, 2003 within their jurisdiction. At the central level, the tariff orders are issued for each transmission line separately. On the other hand, the state commissions issues one tariff order for each transmission licensee on a regular basis.
Inter-State Tariff
In accordance with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010, the central commission determines the point of connection charges for inter-state transmission system (ISTS). The charges are separately determined for Long-term (LTOA)/ medium-term open access (MTOA) and short-term open access (STOA) in 9 slabs. The monthly charges for different slabs are shown in the graphs below.
Inter-State Tariff
Intra-State Tariff
The state commissions are empowered to determine the charges for intra-state transmission system (InSTS). Annual revenue requirement (ARR), long-term (LTOA) and short-term open access (STOA) charges for various transmission licensees across 11 states have been collated and shown in graphs below.
Intra-State Tariff
The Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Terms and Conditions for Determination of Multi Year Tariff regulations dated 14th September 2018. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff of generating companies, transmission & distribution licensees as per these Regulations from 1st April, 2019 onwards.
The CERC has issued the Terms and Conditions of Tariff regulations,2019 which has come into force from 1 April 2019 and will remain valid till 31st March 2024 i.e., for a period of five years. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff of transmission projects having a COD on or after 1st April 2019.
Andhra Pradesh
The Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Terms and conditions for determination of Transmission Tariff regulations dated 30th November 2005. The primary purpose of these regulations is to specify approach, framework, procedure, filings and principles for computation of Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) and determination of Transmission Tariff.
Andhra Pradesh
The Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Terms and conditions for determination of Multi Year Tariff regulations dated 28th June 2018. The regulation is effective for three financial years from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff in all cases covered under these Regulations from 1st April, 2019 onwards.
The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Multi Year Tariff regulations dated 29th March 2016. The regulation is effective from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2021. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff in all cases covered under these Regulations.
The Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Multi Year Tariff regulations dated 31st May 2006. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff in all cases covered under these Regulations.
The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Multi Year Tariff regulations dated 1st August 2019. The regulation is effective from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2025. The primary purpose of the regulations is to determine of Aggregate Revenue Requirement, Tariff, and Fees and Charges of generating companies, transmission & distribution licensees and SLDC.
The Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Terms and Conditions for determination of Transmission Tariff regulations dated 21st October 2014. The regulation is effective from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2019. The primary purpose of the regulations is to determine the Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) for the Transmission licensees.
The Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff regulations dated 10th May 2019. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff in all cases covered under these Regulations.
Tamil Nadu
The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Intra state Transmission / Distribution of Electricity under Tariff Framework regulations dated 11th February 2009. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff in all cases covered under these Regulations.
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Multi Year Tariff for Distribution and Transmission regulations dated 23rd September 2019. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the ARR, APR, Tariff, True-Up and related matters of Transmission and Distribution licensees from April 01, 2020 up to March 31, 2025.
Uttar Pradesh
The Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Terms and Conditions for Determination of Multi Year Tariff regulations dated 14th September 2018. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff of generating companies, transmission & distribution licensees as per these Regulations from 1st April, 2019 onwards.
West Bengal
The West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Terms and Conditions of Tariff regulations dated 29th April 2011. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine of tariff of generating companies, transmission & distribution licensees and SLDC for the year 2011-12 and onwards and Annual Performance Review for the year 2009-10 and onwards.
West Bengal
The Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Uttarakhand Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 9th December 2012. The primary purpose of the regulations is to bring out a single set of technical and commercial rules, encompassing all the Utilities connected to/or using the intra-State transmission system (InSTS), provide documentation of the principles and procedures which defines the relationship between the various Users of the InSTS, as well as the Regional and State Load Despatch Centres, and to facilitates the operation, maintenance, development, and planning of economic and reliable State Grid.
The CERC has issued Indian Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 28th April 2010. The primary purpose of these regulations is to bring together a single set of technical and commercial rules, encompassing all the Utilities connected to/or using the inter-State transmission system, define the relationship between the various users of ISTS, as well as the SLDC, RLDC & NLDC, facilitate the operation, maintenance, development and planning of National/Regional Grid, facilitate functioning of power markets and ancillary services, and specify the technical and commercial aspects for integration of RE sources into the Grid.
Andhra Pradesh
The Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 26th March 2014. The primary purpose of the regulations is to define the relationship between the various Users of the Intra-State transmission system (In-STS), State and Area Load Despatch Centres, optimal operation of the Intra-State grid, coordinated and optimal maintenance planning of generation and transmission facilities, development and planning of economic and reliable intra-State grid and integration of renewable energy sources.
Andhra Pradesh
The Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 5th September 2018. The primary purpose of these regulations is to bring together a single set of technical and commercial rules, encompassing all the Utilities connected to/or using the intra-State transmission system, define the relationship between the various users of InSTS, as well as the SLDC, concerned RLDC & NLDC, facilitate the operation, maintenance, development and planning of State Grid, specify the technical and commercial aspects for integration of RE sources into the Grid.
The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Gujarat Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 16th June 2013. The primary purpose of these regulations is to define roles and functionaries for STU and SLDC, provide the technical, design criteria and the procedures to be applied by the STU, provide the technical criteria and standards to be complied with by STU, transmission licensees, the generating companies, distribution licensees, provide the various System Operation Code such as Operation Planning and Security, etc, and provide Implementation and Operation of the Grid Code and procedures for dispute settlement.
The Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Karnataka Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 2nd October 2016. The primary purpose of the regulations is to define the relationship between the various Users of the Intra-State transmission system (In-STS), State and Area Load Despatch Centres, optimal operation of the Intra-State grid, coordinated and optimal maintenance planning of generation and transmission facilities, development and planning of economic and reliable intra-State grid and integration of renewable energy sources.
The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Maharashtra Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 2nd September 2019. The primary purpose of the regulations is to define the relationship between the various Users of the Intra-State transmission system (In-STS), State and Area Load Despatch Centres, optimal operation of the Intra-State grid, coordinated and optimal maintenance planning of generation and transmission facilities, development and planning of economic and reliable intra-State grid and integration of renewable energy sources.
The Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Odisha Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 11th August 2015. The primary purpose of the regulations is to define the relationship between the various Users of the Intra-State transmission system (In-STS), State and Area Load Despatch Centres, optimal operation of the Intra-State grid, coordinated and optimal maintenance planning of generation and transmission facilities, development and planning of economic and reliable intra-State grid and integration of renewable energy sources.
The Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Rajasthan Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 24th May 2008. The primary purpose of the regulations is to define the relationship between the various Users of the Intra-State Transmission System (InSTS), State and Area Load Despatch Centres, Optimal operation of the Intra-State grid, coordinated and optimal maintenance planning of generation and transmission facilities, development and planning of economic and reliable intra-State grid and integration of renewable energy sources.
Tamil Nadu
The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Tamil Nadu Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 19th October 2005. The primary purpose of the regulations is to define the relationship between the various Users of the Intra-State transmission system (In-STS), State and Area Load Despatch Centres, optimal operation of the Intra-State grid, coordinated and optimal maintenance planning of generation and transmission facilities, development and planning of economic and reliable intra-State grid and integration of renewable energy sources.
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 18th April 2007. The primary purpose of the regulations is to define the relationship between the various Users of the Intra-State transmission system (In-STS), State and Area Load Despatch Centres, optimal operation of the Intra-State grid, coordinated and optimal maintenance planning of generation and transmission facilities, development and planning of economic and reliable intra-State grid and integration of renewable energy sources.
Uttar Pradesh
The Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Uttarakhand Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 9th December 2012. The primary purpose of the regulations is to bring out a single set of technical and commercial rules, encompassing all the Utilities connected to/or using the intra-State transmission system (InSTS), provide documentation of the principles and procedures which defines the relationship between the various Users of the InSTS, as well as the Regional and State Load Despatch Centres, and to facilitates the operation, maintenance, development, and planning of economic and reliable State Grid.
West Bengal
The West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the West Bengal Electricity Grid Code regulations dated 4th April 2007. The primary purpose of the regulations is to define the relationship between the various Users of the Intra-State transmission system (In-STS), State and Area Load Despatch Centres, optimal operation of the Intra-State grid, coordinated and optimal maintenance planning of generation and transmission facilities, development and planning of economic and reliable intra-State grid and integration of renewable energy sources.
West Bengal