This module covers transmission system planning data at Inter-regional, Intra-regional and Intra-state levels. Further it also captures deployment progress of transmission lines and substations on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis.
Inter-state Planning
The transmission network for power flow across states is planned at the central level, which can be further categorised as Inter-regional and intra-regional planning.
Inter-regional PlanningIntra-regional Planning
Intra-state Planning
State transmission utility (STU) plans the development of transmission network for its respective state, which has been shown in the graphs given below. At present, the planning for 11 states have been covered in the portal.
Intra-state Planning
Annual Programme-Progress
The transmission network programme has monthly and annual targets set by the CEA. The progress is monitored and reported for transmission line length in ckm and for substation capacity.
SubstationsTransmission Lines
Growth Over Plans
Growth over Five Year Plans The transmission system has evolved over the years and capacity addition has been quite significant in recent periods. The plan-wise addition of transmission lines and substation capacity has been tracked in the graphs below.
Growth Over Plans
RE Integration
The increasing share of renewable energy requires appropriate planning of transmission networks for its evacuation and reliable grid integration of such resources. Some of the developments in this regard are the Green Energy Corridors (GEC) and a CEA report on integrating 500 GW Renewables by 2030, prepared by a committee constituted by the Ministry of Power.
Green Energy CorridorCEA Plan for 500 GW RE by 2030
Entity-wise Progress
The transmission network programme has monthly and annual targets set by the CEA. The progress is monitored and reported for transmission line length (in circuit kilometres or ckm) and for substation capacity (in MVA). The graph below presents progress data for each transmission licensee in the country at a quarterly frequency.
Entity-wise Progress
Cross Border Transmission
India is actively working with its neighbouring countries to develop a robust transmission network with capability of high-power transmission flow across countries. To facilitate import / export of electricity between India and neighbouring countries, the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India has issued the "Guidelines for Import/Export (Cross Border) of Electricity-2018" on 18th December, 2018. Presently, India is connected with Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation(SAARC) countries have signed the SAARC Framework Agreement Energy Cooperation (Electricity) on 27th November, 2014, which allows the member states to carry out Cross Border Trade of Electricity subject to laws, rules, and regulations of the respective member states.
In terms of regulatory and policy progress for cross-border trade in India, MoP has issued Guidelines for Import/Export (Cross Border) of Electricity in 2018, which were modified in 2019. Other than this, CERC has issued Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Cross Border Trade of Electricity) Regulations, 2019
Cross Border Transmission
GNA Allocation to STUsDeemed GNA to Injecting EntitiesConnectivity Granted under GNA