This module focuses on Transmission tariffs for the inter-state transmission system (ISTS) determined by CERC and for various intra-state transmission systems (InSTS) at the State level determined by respective SERCs. These include Long-term and Short-term Open Access Charges.
Tariff Orders
The State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) and Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) determine tariffs for various transmission projects constructed under Section 62 of Electricity Act, 2003 within their jurisdiction. At the central level, the tariff orders are issued for each transmission line separately. On the other hand, the state commissions issues one tariff order for each transmission licensee on a regular basis.
Inter-State Tariff
In accordance with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010, the central commission determines the point of connection charges for inter-state transmission system (ISTS). The charges are separately determined for Long-term (LTOA)/ medium-term open access (MTOA) and short-term open access (STOA) in 9 slabs. The monthly charges for different slabs are shown in the graphs below.
Inter-State Tariff
Intra-State Tariff
The state commissions are empowered to determine the charges for intra-state transmission system (InSTS). Annual revenue requirement (ARR), long-term (LTOA) and short-term open access (STOA) charges for various transmission licensees across 11 states have been collated and shown in graphs below.
Intra-State Tariff